Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Did it really happen that way?

I'm was beginning to wonder whether or not anything I remembered from my childhood, actually ever happened. For example: I received a BB gun for Christmas when I was 5 or 6, and I vividly remember walking around our yard "all by myself" with my BB gun shooting birds (not acceptable today). I know I was 6 because we moved off the farm when I was 6 and that's where I remember shooting the BB gun "all by myself".
I was telling this story a while back and my Mom said, "Oh Russell, we did not let you shoot your BB gun all by yourself when you were 6 years old!" I told her I knew for sure I had because I could remember it like it was yesterday. She maintained there was "no way" her and Dad would have let us shoot our BB guns all by ourselves when we were 6 years old.
I began questioning everything I thought I remembered from my early years, when I was struck by the following thought: maybe Mom's the one who doesn't remember. Suddenly, I felt much better about the accuracy of my recall!

Donald Trump

Dandy Don Trump told reporters the other day he bought a house for $41 million and sold it a "short time later" for over $100 million. Sorry Donald, this is not a good reason for us to elect you as our next President. Our current and previous President have done way better than that with increasing the deficit. When you show us you can take $41 million and turn it into say, a few billion, then we'll talk!

Hot off the press!

Just in from the Federal Reserve: According to Ben and the boys, a billion is the new million. Thanks Ben for giving us all something to feel good about!