Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Unknown Origin

I don't recall the origin of this picture but would be interested in purchasing a copy if the originator can be located. Perhaps Klietus knows the details. I'll keep you posted should I hear anything...

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Overpriced Note Cards

After some looking around today on-line and in-store I discovered that the average price for a blank note card runs from a low of about .50 to well over $1. The unofficial average seems to be closer to $1. I consider that an attempt on the part of the consumer product folks to stick it to you and me. So, here's what I did:

I bought a 200 page "Sketchbook" from Barnes and Noble that was marked down to $4.98. Then I stopped by my alma mater (Walmart) and picked up a multi-purpose trimmer (paper cutter) for $9.84. After cutting the pages out of the sketchbook I ended up with 200 perfectly sized note card equivalents. If you run the numbers on that little project, it comes out to about 13.4 cents per card. If I threw the trimmer away right now I've still saved myself a minimum of about $85 for this doggone stack of note cards. If I use the trimmer for future similar projects, I'll save even more.

I don't typically do this kind of thing because stuff just cost what it cost. But I have a hard time paying for something that's priced at 3 or 4 times what it's actually worth. And although I'm not bragging, my old friend Nickademus would be mighty proud of me!

Should I come up with other cost saving ideas or perhaps find a barn full of bats, I'll keep you posted...