Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Computerized Outdoor World

In a computerized world of near virtual reality, I sometimes wonder why anyone would take the time to look at any of the pictures I might post on here.  Nearly all of the pictures in my "assortment" were taken with an iPhone or my Nikon 35mm.  Considering there are endless possibilities for awesome pictures contained all over the internet of things, why would anyone look here?

I can't be sure but plan to ask Klietus to look into the matter the next time I run into him.  In the meantime, this picture was taken 3 or 4 years ago while hiking in Estes Park, Colorado with my good friends Randell and Victor.  When looking at the pictures I took over those 3 days I'm immediately reminded of the amazing wilderness available to anyone willing to get in their car and drive a ways.  For some, it's a long way to drive but when you arrive, you immediately know it was worth the time it took to get there.

Colorado, Wyoming, Montana..."You just cain't go no better!"

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Full Moon Church

This is the old Methodist Church building on the corner of Central & "A" Street, adjacent to the  Bentonville Square.  I took it on a full moon night in December.  Not too shabby for a phone picture.

I wonder if Kleitus has been taking any pictures?  I'll try to keep you posted should any new information surface on the lad....

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Off The Coffee

It's been about 10 days since I've had a cup of coffee.  After having had the flu I've lost my appetite for it.  If this keeps up, the folks at Heroes Coffee on 8th street in Bentonville are going to be disappointed.  They hate hearing about a former user who's jumped on the wagon.  We'll have to wait and see how it turns out.  I'll try to keep you posted...  

Monday, January 8, 2018

Old Gas Cans

This gas can has been in my family for about 40 years, give or take.  If memory serves, I purchased it from Walmart when I was in high school or maybe shortly after.  Sometime later, I gave it to my Dad and about a year ago he gave it back to me.

It's hard to find a gas can these days that isn't encumbered with government regulations.  The safety devices that result from all those gas can regulations makes it difficult to get the gas out, which defeats the purpose of having a gas can in the first place.  This old can doesn't have any newfangled safety devices and the result of that is it actually works.

I have another old gas can that once belonged to my Uncle Pat and Aunt Katherine.  I'm estimating that can was probably manufactured (in the USA) in the 1950's.  The gasket on both of these cans needs replacing so I think I'll do that soon in order to get both of these cans back in service.  It'd be a shame to let these older model gas cans go to waste; especially cans that were produced before the Federal boys and girls got involved.  I don't have anything against the Feds, but they often times have a tendency to overthink things:)

On old gas cans, antique tools and stuff like that....I'll try to keep you posted.