Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Computerized Outdoor World

In a computerized world of near virtual reality, I sometimes wonder why anyone would take the time to look at any of the pictures I might post on here.  Nearly all of the pictures in my "assortment" were taken with an iPhone or my Nikon 35mm.  Considering there are endless possibilities for awesome pictures contained all over the internet of things, why would anyone look here?

I can't be sure but plan to ask Klietus to look into the matter the next time I run into him.  In the meantime, this picture was taken 3 or 4 years ago while hiking in Estes Park, Colorado with my good friends Randell and Victor.  When looking at the pictures I took over those 3 days I'm immediately reminded of the amazing wilderness available to anyone willing to get in their car and drive a ways.  For some, it's a long way to drive but when you arrive, you immediately know it was worth the time it took to get there.

Colorado, Wyoming, Montana..."You just cain't go no better!"