Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Who's afraid

If more Americans paid attention to what goes on outside the confines of our own backyards, we wouldn't be in the situation we're in now as a country. The overwhelming truth is, the vast majority of Americans aren't concerned with anything that doesn't impact them directly and immediately.
Without fail, we wait until we have a crisis before we pull our heads out of our rear ends and take a look around. Then we gripe and complain to each other, wondering how it happened.
If you think the very serious economic condition we're in is the governments fault, you'd be mostly wrong. We the American people are to blame; we continue putting knot heads in public office and then just accept crap for governance. We very simply, are getting what we deserve.


Every individual can make a difference by sending an email, writing a letter, or better yet, making a phone call to their congressmen or senators (key in the search word "congress" or "senate" and get all the information you need). Tell them what's important to you, what you expect them to work on, and how you expect them to vote. Be respectful but let them know you're tired of the ridiculous crap they continue putting out.
Remember, when a government is afraid of the people, you have a democracy. When the people are afraid of the government, you have something completely different.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Your Choice

If, up to now, you've had a heart for the "Radical Islamist" who you believe are within their full rights to promote their way of life in any manner they see fit, and you think the United States Government is essentially the bad guy and the citizens of the U.S. are just getting what we have coming to us, then ask yourself which of these two teams you'd rather be on:

Team A)
The team who ran 2 airplanes full of mostly innocent people into 2 buildings full of mostly innocent people resulting in the death of a few thousand mostly innocent people, and rejoiced in the murder of the "Infidels" while finding comfort in the endless torment and suffering of the surviving loved ones, or...

Team B)
The team who upon catching the guys responsible for killing their mostly innocent citizens, put them in jail, provided them with lawyers, and are now giving them a FAIR TRIAL (8 years later) in a democratic court of law, where they'll have a realistic chance of being acquitted and sent home to plan their next attack on even more innocent citizens of the very country who gave them a chance at freedom in the first place. This of course, is after having admitted they were behind the cowardly murders of the few thousand mostly innocent people they are charged with killing.

Note: The only rule is, you can't play on both teams.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Line in the sand

A Pulaski County, Arkansas Circuit Judge was recently ousted for allegedly forcing probationers to attend Bible readings, and submit to blood tests and prostate exams (Arkansas Democrat Gazette on 2-6-2010).
For the record, I don't have a problem with probationers being forced to attend Bible readings. After all, these rascals might just learn something that could impact their life in a positive way.
I don't have a huge problem with being forced to submit to a blood test, providing the person taking my blood is a trained professional and providing some one else is paying for it.
But being forced to submit to a prostrate exam because I wrote a bad check or have one too many speeding tickets, is where I have to draw the line.
I don't think anyone should be able to stick their finger up my rear end unless I ask them to, or I'm a legitimate terror suspect. If I am a legitimate terror suspect, I think they should be able to stick anything up there that'll fit, providing there's a good chance it'll make me talk.
Ridiculous perhaps, but at least I know where I draw the line.

Name Game

You may have heard the news that two local real estate companies are merging to form one new and improved real estate company. They're going to call their new and improved organization, "Coldwell Banker Harris McHaney and Faucette Realty".
Are you kidding me-Coldwell Banker Harris McHaney and Faucette. Is there even a marginal chance that one person outside of their own company is going to be able to remember all that? And wouldn't it cost less to print up all new signs if they went with just 1 name instead of 5.
Here's my recommendation for naming the newly synergized business: call it Coldwell Realty or Banker Realty or Harris Realty or McHaney Realty or Faucette Realty. I could even understand calling it Harris Faucette, since these are the 2 guys who own the company. Considering Mr. Faucette has already agreed to go last on the company moniker, I bet Mr. Harris would be cool with that as well.
Bottom line: Coldwell Banker Harris McHaney and Faucette Realty, is simply much too difficult to remember. Next time we decide to list our house, I think we'll just go with "EXIT". Afterall, when you put your house up for sale, that's all you're really trying to do anyway.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Read all about it!

The front page headline of today's local newspaper read: Wal-Mart Cuts 300 Jobs.
Even though I feel the folks at The Benton County Daily Record do a fine job overall, could someone please make them aware of the following:

1) Approximately 16 months ago, "Wal-Mart" dropped the hyphen and made the "M" small. They are now "Walmart", followed by the sphincter sign *.

2) A potential follow up headline would be, "Walmart retains 2,106,973 jobs".

3) It doesn't take an economist to figure out that for every dollar in lost wages, there's one less dollar in the economy.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

No more soup for you

Today, the Arkansas Democrat Gazette reported:

-Tony Chan, a feng shui master who claimed to be the longtime companion of the late Asian billionaire Nina Wang, will not be receiving Wang's estate after a judge in Hong Kong invalidated a "feng shui will" from 2006, saying Wang's signature had been forged.

Afterward, Chan had this to say: "Hang Cha!" I'm not 100% sure, but I think it means something very close to, "Oh man; you have gotta be stinkin' kiddin' me!"

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Door #1, #2, or #3?

I have to ask the question: Are KY Jelly commercials absolutely necessary?

I can't imagine that my first, first grade teacher, Miss. Cook (God rest her soul), would have approved of the KY Jelly commercial. I can't help but think if the makers of KY Jelly would have gone to Miss Cook back in 1965 and said, "Miss Cook, we'd like to ask your opinion on something: Do you think it would be A) a good idea B) a decent idea or C) a bad idea, to advertise KY Jelly on television?"
Miss Cook's first response might have been, "I'm sorry, I don't believe I'm familiar with KY Jelly." Once they told her what it was, however, I think she would have been aghast. Aghast not because the product existed, but aghast that the makers of KY were actually thinking of advertising their product on television and that she would now, more than likely, have to deal with her cute and impressionable little first grade students coming to school and asking, "Golly Gee Willikers Miss Cook, what's KY Jelly?".

I'd bet hard money, she would have gone with "C".

I've been Made-offed!

Can you imagine messing up so badly in life that you're last name becomes a verb?
With that in mind, here's a lighter look at the ridiculous world we live in. As you read through this little antidote, keep the thought in mind, "I've been Made-offed":

A couple years ago I was "Made-offed" by an area business. Although they didn't get my entire life savings, I did allow them to take advantage of my naiveté and bilk me out of enough money to pay for a relatively nice used car. Let's just say I felt like I'd been bent over a stump and "Franked".
They told me enough scary facts and half truths to get me all riled up and then got me so far in it was too late to get out. In other words, they "Cheneyed" me.
Oh, I don't mean to infer they outright "Edwardsed" to me regarding the truth, but I for sure felt they had "Clintoned" with the facts.

Though I had no idea if their proposed plan of attack was actually going to work, I decided to go ahead and "Bush" it to the limit. After all, doing something is surly better than doing nothing.

I suppose I shouldn't feel too bad about falling for their little "House Bill" since I was mostly clueless and inexperienced on all the relative issues-a complete "Obama-fite".

Believe it or not, after they "Blogojeviched" me for $13,000 worth of their service, they had the "Limbaugh's" to call me up and tell me they had made an accounting "Pelosi" and had accidentally under-billed me a hundred bucks. I was like, "You gotta be 'Al-Franken' kiddin' me!"

After the incident I felt like a real "Dodd"-I mean a complete and total "Reid". Instead of being up front and "Huckabee" with me, the guy who ran the place "Gored" me into thinking he had invented the entire industry. When I "O'reilly" questioned him as to whether or not he honestly believed their service was needed, he showed absolutely no signs of going "Kerry": he was 100% sure he was for it.
Wow, did I ever get "Franked".

PS. I you don't have a sense of humor, don't read any more of the stuff I write. You will not hurt my feelings...not really...I mean, I won't cry...not really...not actual tears. OK, it will hurt my feelings but that's the price I'll have to pay for having a huge following of 3 on Blogspot.com!