Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I've been Made-offed!

Can you imagine messing up so badly in life that you're last name becomes a verb?
With that in mind, here's a lighter look at the ridiculous world we live in. As you read through this little antidote, keep the thought in mind, "I've been Made-offed":

A couple years ago I was "Made-offed" by an area business. Although they didn't get my entire life savings, I did allow them to take advantage of my naiveté and bilk me out of enough money to pay for a relatively nice used car. Let's just say I felt like I'd been bent over a stump and "Franked".
They told me enough scary facts and half truths to get me all riled up and then got me so far in it was too late to get out. In other words, they "Cheneyed" me.
Oh, I don't mean to infer they outright "Edwardsed" to me regarding the truth, but I for sure felt they had "Clintoned" with the facts.

Though I had no idea if their proposed plan of attack was actually going to work, I decided to go ahead and "Bush" it to the limit. After all, doing something is surly better than doing nothing.

I suppose I shouldn't feel too bad about falling for their little "House Bill" since I was mostly clueless and inexperienced on all the relative issues-a complete "Obama-fite".

Believe it or not, after they "Blogojeviched" me for $13,000 worth of their service, they had the "Limbaugh's" to call me up and tell me they had made an accounting "Pelosi" and had accidentally under-billed me a hundred bucks. I was like, "You gotta be 'Al-Franken' kiddin' me!"

After the incident I felt like a real "Dodd"-I mean a complete and total "Reid". Instead of being up front and "Huckabee" with me, the guy who ran the place "Gored" me into thinking he had invented the entire industry. When I "O'reilly" questioned him as to whether or not he honestly believed their service was needed, he showed absolutely no signs of going "Kerry": he was 100% sure he was for it.
Wow, did I ever get "Franked".

PS. I you don't have a sense of humor, don't read any more of the stuff I write. You will not hurt my feelings...not really...I mean, I won't cry...not really...not actual tears. OK, it will hurt my feelings but that's the price I'll have to pay for having a huge following of 3 on Blogspot.com!


  1. This could be your finest(Sophia Lorened) hour Regular Russ!

  2. Rustic, reilly, very Reilly. If you keep this up, you could be a quality pundant. I will keep these quips Hannity.

  3. Thanks Kim and Doug! I know even if I mess up, you guys won't go O.J. on me.

  4. This commentary could be anderson coopered.


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