Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Rolla Boys™- Chapter 6-B

I should note that Miss McCutcheon was actually more than a pretty face-she was an all around excellent 4th grade teacher. I'm confident I learned as much that school year as I did any other. In addition to the teachers I personally had at Fort Wyman, we were fortunate to have a number of other fine teachers as well-teachers like Mrs. Wixon; Miss Woods; Mrs. Beyers; Mrs. Wright; Miss VanBibber; Mrs. Barry; Mrs. Jones; Mrs. Whitney; our music teacher Mrs. Vickers, and of course that doggone school nurse I was so deathly afraid of. I spent the better part of 5 years of my life hiding from that woman. Our school nurse actually wore a white, standard issue hospital nurses dress uniform, carried an assortment of tongue depressors in her pocket (which she was apparently authorized to shove in your mouth for any reason and at anytime she saw fit), wore a stethoscope around her neck, and if that wasn't enough to scare you to death, she topped all that off with one of those old style nurses hats-you know, like the ones they used to wear on General Hospital. If you were "sent up" to see her one on one, it probably meant one of 3 things: she was going to give you a shot, pull a tooth, or stitch up your scrotum. I can't for my life recall her name, but I'll never forget her face, or that ever present smell of alcohol (isopropyl-not Jack Danials). And I can tell you this: she could clear a hallway of an unauthorized gathering faster than Mrs. Wixon with her 3 foot long paddle with holes (the one she kept in the coat closet). The only thing that worked faster at clearing a room than sending in the school nurse, was for someone to yell out, "Double Recess".... and I think that only happened once.

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