Saturday, July 1, 2017

Sucked In Like a Maniac!

I've been sucked in by Apple Computer, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin and cable news to name just a few.  I can hardly believe it and I don't like it!

I know folks who can barley do anything unless there's an APP to support their actions.  I have friends who keep track of their steps, where they ride their bike, how many calories they're consuming, how much water they're not drinking, how much weight their lifting, loosing or gaining and for all I know, how many times a day they're breaking wind (I haven't checked but I bet there's an APP for it).

Also, I've fallen into the rat-trap of feeling like I have to be constantly "connected" and available to anyone on the planet who wants to contact me about darn near anything.  Somehow, I've also convinced myself that there are a bunch of people just waiting around to hear what I have to say; as if there's a shortage of opinions, ideas and suggestions floating throughout cyber space.

The truth is, I can't think of one celebrity or TV personality who's opinions I need on anything that pertains to my life, with the possible exception of Stuart Varney, Charles PayneJim Cramer and most of the folks on CNBC's "Fast Money".  
So, effective Tuesday morning, July 4, 2017, I'll be conducting an experiment by unplugging from Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, most of cable news and all of network news.  For at least the forceable future I plan on getting most of my world updates from Mauricio; the proprietor of The 211 Cafe, just in back of the Bentonville Square.  He makes a great cup of Guatemalan coffee that's well worth the $3 it will cost you to acquire one.

For personal enjoyment and writing fulfillment, I plan to continue posting on this blog just for fun.  In the unlikely event your entertainment needs aren't fully satisfied through the nearly limitless sources vying for your attention, you can check out "Old and Ridiculous!" now and then...just for fun.  It's the one place you can find out what's been going on in my world, if you choose.

For my family and friends, my phone will be off most of the time, although I do plan on checking it  randomly and at various times throughout each day.  I never want to miss communication from my family and friends.  In the highly unlikely event of an emergency, you can contact my bride, my daughter or my Mom.

Regarding this "semi-unplugged plan"....I'll keep you posted.

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