Friday, November 22, 2019

Are You Chicken?

For a lot of reasons, being a chicken would be a rough way to go.  Least of all you go through your short life hearing people indirectly make fun of you by saying things like, "Hey, why don't you jump: are you chicken?"  On top of that you're ugly, have wings but can't fly and likely will end up in a situation similar to the chicken in this picture.

Speaking of that, you should give this doggone chicken a try if you haven't already done so.  It comes in assorted flavors (which may be a further insult to the chicken) and cost about the same as a combo meal at Chick-fil-A.  Sam's Club Member's Mark Chicken.  As Andy Taylor might have said around the family dinner table in 1963, "Ain't Bee, that sure is some mighty-fine chicken...mmm-mmm, might-fine!"

I wonder, given the choice, would most chickens rather wind up in a Chick-fil-A combo meal or a plastic tray at Sam's Club?  Perhaps Klietus will do some light research on that and get back with us.  Or, perhaps another Harvard study is in order?

Well, until I hear back from Klietus or the fine folks at Harvard, I'll do my best to keep you posted on all things chicken:)

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