Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Full Moon

I snapped the above photo on my Steve Jobs camera-phone a couple weeks ago, as I was leaving our Southwest, Missouri property.  As I drove away I couldn't help but notice that the moon seemed perched right above our little cabin; kind of like the star of Bethlehem only different.  Thankfully, I had my almost worn out phone in the cockpit of the Max-Mobile to commemorate the moment.  It's not every day you get a chance to see a full moon at sunset.

A full moon is prime time for just about anything that involves going outdoors.  A possible exceptions to that rule might be if you were planning to slip inside your neighbor's house for the purpose of milling around inside their underwear drawer while they're at Braums for 2-for-1 night.  I don't know if Braums actually has a 2-for-1 night, but if they do there's a pretty good chance your neighbor is going to be there.

Now before I start getting nasty emails from all the Braum's fans, I'm NOT recommending this kind of behavior to anyone, especially Braums Fans.  Braums fans are some of the most loyal food-fans of all-time!  The New York Giants would do good to pick up even a few hundred new fans from Braums.  Once a BFF (Braums Fan Forever) commits to supporting your program, they won't leave you because of one bad experience.  They are the very definition of loyalty.  In fact, if you look up "fan" on your dictionary ap, you'll find a picture of Braums number one fan, "Big Train" Walt Stackhouse (he's a huge man, but a super nice guy and a heck of a good cook!).  And trust me, Walt knows burgers and cones like nobody's "bidness".

Back to the main topic: If you are currently keeping anything of value in your underwear drawer besides your favorite underpants, you might want to rethink your underwear security drawer program (USDP).  They tell me that when a thief breaks into a home, one of the first places they're going to look for loot is, you guessed it, your underwear drawer.

As soon as I came across that bit of intel, I immediately made adjustments to my overall home security plan.  I moved all valuables out of my underwear drawer to a much less conspicuous location: my sock drawer.  They'll never think to look there.

Hopefully you'll find this information of some value as it relates to all things security.  I'm not technically a security expert and of course "I don't like to brag" but most of what you have to do to keep yourself and your loved ones safe and secure is to stay just a little bit ahead of the bad guy.  And in the event of a worst case scenario, it won't hurt if you're prepared to whack him upside the head with a stick...they hate that:)

Until the next post, Happy New Year, stay safe and I'll keep you posted...


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