Thursday, September 9, 2010

Made in China

A good friend of mine, Doug, recently spent 3 weeks in China visiting his son Hunter. I've yet to hear the details but I know they toured the country and I'm sure they significantly sampled the local culture. It has me wondering; is all the stuff they sell in China Made in America?

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Scooters (and stuff like that)

I've not written anything for quite some time. The fact that I only have 9 followers after nearly a year (counting myself) suggest not many folks are interested in my thoughts and experiences. I keep thinking, "Maybe I need to stay away from anything remotely political in nature". After giving it some thought however, I realized nearly every facet of life is in fact political.
With that in mind, the 19 year old kid on the scooter who recently ran head on into the full sized pickup (both vehicles looked like they were going 20-25 mph), bounced 180 degrees backward, landed on his face and immediately got up and walked it off with just a few scratches and bruises, has my vote for about anything he goes out for the rest of his life, including President of The United States of America--way to go kid (I have no doubt that that exact accident would have killed 999 out of every 1000 people in the world-and probably all extreme left wing liberals)!