Sunday, August 9, 2020

Utility vs Fashion Non-sense

You can't beat stuff that works.  Like many county-folk, I lean much more toward utility than fashion; although no one wants to look like they haven't updated their wardrobe in 40 years unless the situation calls for it.  If you're planning on attending a county playhouse event, regional lawn dart championship or annual mule jump, you have the support of the author the wear whatever you want.  However, if you show up in a cashmere sweater, a fresh pair of J. Crew chinos and a Tommy Bahama polo shirt with the collar up, you'll likely be the rube everyone's snickering at behind your back.  And no one wants that; even though there are no doubt enough guys who work at the Walmart home office giving it their best shot.

Where was I...oh yes, stuff that works:
I may have already touched on this aspect of country life in a former post but if so it bears another mention. There are too many gadgets (especially imported gadgets from China and similar countries) floating around the place that don't hold up under actual use, so when I find something that does I tend to hold onto it.  Like this old sweater from Eddie Bauer (ironic that it's probably made in China: forgot to check), this Henry lever action .44 rifle, made in the U.S.A. or the axe in the back ground hand-made by the fine folks at Ganfors Bruks in Sweeden (I really like their craftsmanship).  All this stuff works well and is always a pleasure to have handy while doing ranch work.

Anyway, things are moving along at the cabin.  I've spent a great deal of time this Spring and Summer clearing, burning, dragging, stacking, de-weeding, brush whacking, brush hogging and mowing, to qualify me for at least some kind of local award.  Maybe the County Barry "De-Weeder of the Quarter" or similar.  If not, I'll settle for me pouring myself an end-of-the-day cold beer the next time I'm out there...which will be tomorrow, Lord willing.  That gives me one more thing to look forward to and one more reason to continue getting out of bed in the morning.  You can't have too many reasons for that:)

Thanks for tuning in and I'll try to keep you posted...