Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Maxie Pad

Like a lot of other folks, we have a dog. His name is Max and he's a big Ol' happy Yellow Lab. Maxie Pad (his nick name) weighs in at a cool 100 pounds and doesn't have an ounce of fat on him  (like Arnold Schwarzenegger, only Max doesn't have any money to speak of, has never starred in a movie, and as far as I know has never fathered a pup with one gal while he was committed to another...not that I know for sure he wouldn't give it a shot were he still fully equipped).
Our friend Max is content to hang around, sleep, chase squirrels, and ride around in the Tahoe (I'm pretty sure he thinks it's his Tahoe, even though technically my name's on the title). It's also evident he thinks he's a seeing eye dog and I'm blind because he will not leave my side most of the time, unless he's out in the front yard looking for squirrels or we're somewhere walking around in the woods; even then he won't wonder very far from me.
He apparently thinks sit and stay mean the same thing. When I tell him to sit, he sits and stays and when I tell him to stay, he also sits and stays (my fault for not giving clear direction when he was still in the learning phase). Heal apparently means, "Run over to him, act like I'm going to heal and then go back to sniffing and rooting around".
When he hears the Tahoe keys jingle (probably any keys-I don't think he can distinguish between various sets of keys), he starts jumping and spinning and gets nearly as excited as I do when my wife says, "Do you want to go upstairs?" (I put that in here to find out if my wife is reading this stuff-if I don't hear about it in a few days, I'll know she's not). When he thinks we're going somewhere in his Tahoe you couldn't get him away from the back bumper with a t-bone steak smothered in Squirrel gravy...which reminds me; it's Squirrel season and I haven't been Squirrel hunting in several years (this is an example of what happens when adult ADD kicks in).

1 comment:

  1. So I must be a noob at replying to your blog posts, cause I don't see my pithy and clever retorts anywhere on this site. I would have to imagine they went aimlessly to an email address, which I am sure rarely gets checked, if I got the right address at all. However, I wanted to comment on Max; what a great canine. You describe him so perfectly. He has no hidden agenda, no devious plan, no nefarious intentions. He is the Maxie Pad. He gives you just enough attention to let you know he likes and approves of you, then off on his own. I will repeat what I said in the lost email, that he reminds me of a nursery rhyme from high school. Old mother Hubbard, went to the cupboard, to find her poor dog a bone, when she bent over,...." . Well, you're right Rustic, if anyone else reads this, the rest of the rhyme may not be appropriate.
    Keep writing, we're reading.


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