Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Marketing Mirrors And Lights

The primary key to successfully marketing to men, is to make us think that if we buy your product, say for instance a backpack, we'll end up HERE doing THIS. Remember, for marketing to be successful, it only has to appear to be believable.

Chrysler is one of  the great examples of how to market to men. Their marketing success is the primary reason why there are at least 3 used late model jeeps on every big and small car lot from the east coast to the west and in every city and small town in-between, including McGirk, Missouri (assuming McGirk has at least one used car lot). The bigger lots will usually have closer to nine used Jeeps and sometimes more than that. Why you ask? I'll share it with you:
The fine folks at Chrysler would have you believe that if you purchase one of their Jeeps (especially a Jeep Rubicon), you'll immediately become the modern day equivalent of Paul Bunyon, Rudyard Kipling and Jeremiah Johnson all rolled into one. Then, the first Monday after you've financed your brand new $49,000 jeep over a 7 year period, you wake up to discover you're still Fred Smith working for Spacely Sprockets and living in an old rental trailer "down by the river". But durn, that commercial on Monday Night Football made the guy driving that darn jeep look so doggone cool. Dang-it!

As it relates to marketing to men and other related matters, I'll keep you posted....

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