~Get yourself a pillow(s) that feels like it was custom made for you.
~Procure the most comfortable sheets known to man.
~Procure the most comfortable quilt or cover(s) known to man.
~Install a device for background noise. (A small fan works nicely.)
~Take a sleep-aid that works for you e.g. over-the-counter generic, doctor prescribed, shot of Wild Turkey...whatever it takes.
~If the person sleeping next to you snores like a Pratt & Whitney, make sure you are fast asleep BEFORE they are.
~Don't make the mistake of watching television as a means of lulling yourself to sleep. If you do, you'll likely be lulled into believing whatever it is your watching as you're falling asleep.
~If you live in Chicago under the "L", consider moving to the country where there are no overhead trains.
~If you live in the country, but have no door on your house, get a door. If you can't find a door, try an old sheet of plywood.
~If you live in a trailer that was manufactured prior to 1961, try sleeping under it instead of in it.
~If you're addicted to Sonic, don't eat more than 1 footlong chile-cheese dog after 9 p.m.
~If you don't have enough room to stretch out because your dog sleeps on your bed, consider getting your spouse their own bed.
These are just a few things to consider regarding a good nights sleep. Again, I'm not a TV doctor: not technically.