Monday, January 25, 2010

Service To Our Country

I spent 29 years of my life within an organization while fulfilling a role, few will ever truly understand. For years I would leave my quarters well before daylight while most civilians where still fast asleep in their warm beds and within the comfort and safety of their own homes. I'd arrive early to assess damages that had resulted from the previous days battle and perform overall reconnaissance before adjusting the plan of attack for my team of fellow warriors.
I once went 78 hours without sleep in order to fulfill my duties as commander of my unit. I've seen everything from gunfights to actual hand-to-hand combat. I've been in life threatening situations and had my life threatened. While serving my fellow man, I've morned the fallen, grieved with the stricken, consoled the heart broken, and thank God, at times laughed until I cried.
I've had stretches during times of peace when I followed orders to the "T" and in the heat of battle have pushed the limits of my own judgement, venturing ever closer to court marshall while facing the fear of a dreaded dishonorable discharge; all in an effort to fulfill my overall duties. I was, after-all, charged with responsibility for keeping my operation afloat while doing all I could to see that my troops never had to endure the humiliation of defeat.
As I reflect on my personal years on the front lines serving the people of our great nation, the written words of Charles Dickens come to mind; "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times".

Looking back now on my life's experiences, I can honestly say without reservation, I believe everyone should spend at least two full years of their life....managing a Walmart or Sam's Club!

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