Monday, October 22, 2012

Smell October

What a wonderful time to be outside! The metaphor "Stop and smell the roses", may apply to Fall more than any other time of year. Most people, however, will watch it come and go without really getting anything out of it. As it relates to taking advantage of it, however, you may have to be intentional. Beauty is all around us if we'll take time to notice as we go through our hurried daily routines.

To enjoy the best of what nature has to offer, you might consider going outside in the early morning or early evening. My personal favorite time to be outside is the last hour of the day, as the sun is going down and nature executes it's nightly changing of the guard. Not only does the setting sun often times provide a colorful sky, but if you'll be still and listen, you'll hear the night time critters wind up while the day time critters wind down--good medicine for urban ears.
And if you're lucky enough to be away from the constant distraction of urban lights and sounds late in the day, you might even hear the local coyotes calling their friends together for a hopeful evening buffet, or possibly the hoot of the stealthy Barred Owl, should you happen to be located within the broad boundaries of it's trade territory.
Although the colors may have peaked here in the lower Midwest, there is still a lot outside to enjoy for those who'll take the time. And what a wonderful time it is to be outside!

Thought for the day: Stop and smell October (currently there's no charge and no laws against it as far as I'm aware).

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