Monday, November 26, 2012

Arriving Juneau

After retrieving our bags, we rented a car, checked into our room at the Juneau Best Western, and headed for downtown Juneau for a burger and a beverage. We hopped on a sky lift and headed to the top of the mountain to get a better view of the landscape. We settled in on the outside deck of the restaurant and sat for a while admiring the great view of the local mountain range. Eddie and I enjoyed a couple of micro brews that were conveniently kept on tap for visiting flat landers like us, while Tyler and Matt sipped their favorite soft drink in preparation for their upcoming college careers.
After dinner we walked around downtown Juneau taking in the local atmosphere and various tourist shops. None of the four of us had ever been to Juneau but were enjoying this new found land.

A while into our walking tour we heard music coming from inside what we soon found out was the renowned "Red Dog Saloon". As we unsuspectingly walked through the swinging doors, the music abruptly stopped and the goomer on stage looking down at us asks, "Hey there, where ya boys from?"
After a slight pause and obviously surprised by the attention, Eddie answers, "Bentonville, Arkansas". With a puzzled look on his face, the stage guy responds back inquisitively, "Bentonville, Arkansas?", to which the entire crowd yells out, "Bentonville, Arkansas....NO SH*T!", before bursting into spontaneous laughter.

NOTE: If you ever find yourself in Juneau, Alaska, take at least a half hour or so and saunter into the Red Dog Saloon like you own the place. I bet they still do the "Where ya guys from" gag and while there you can sample a Red Dog or two. If you don't like beer, you might just try one.

We awoke the following morning, gathered our gear and dropped the rental car off at the Juneau Airport. We soon boarded the small float plane compliments of the airline Paul Johnson-the guy we were going to see-had recommended. We were now air-born for the short 40 minute flight to Gull Cove, our final destination.
Shortly after departing Juneau, we saw nothing but water and wilderness from that point on. We were very excited as we glided over the numerous scattered patches of land that dotted the waters below and wondered in awe at the surrounding mountain-scape. It was obvious we were moving further and further from civilization with each passing minute as we neared our final destination of Gull Cove and of course the anticipation continued to build.
Just as we were getting accustomed to bouncing around the cabin of our small float plane, the pilot made a hard bank to the left and reported into the headset, "There she is boys....the Johnson Resort!"
I looked down to see a small lodge nestled at the back of an ocean inlet and 4 smaller cabins which obviously went with it. This would be our home and base of operation for the next few days. As I fondly recall, we were all very excited to be there!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds great. I can almost smell the smell of Pines and ocean saltwater. Can't wait to read if you caught any fish!!


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