Friday, April 26, 2013

I told you to watch it....

Did I mention Cabela's is my favorite sporting goods store? Did I also mention that while shopping Cabela's I've observed their prices are consistently high based on my findings? Did I mention I've found their prices to be anywhere from a little too high to way too high, as compared to various other retailers on very similar, and many times, on the "EXACT" same item? If you question whether or not I'm accurate in my overall price assessment, here's just one example from yesterday's visit, 4-25-2013 late afternoon:

Rem Oil 10 oz. can:
Cabela's $9.99
Walmart $6.47

Rem Oil 4 oz. can:
Cabela's $5.99
Walmart $4.57

Everyone's different and some folks might take the position of, "Well, I'm already in here and I need some more Rem Oil and I know this is probably higher than some stores, but what the snot; I'll go ahead and get it...because I'm already in here."
To put that in perspective and from a percentage stand point, that's like looking at a new car at one dealership that's $29,895 and even though you know you could get the exact same car from another dealership just down the road for $19,421 (35% less), you go ahead and buy it at $29,895 because, "I'm already here".
I imagine Cabela's is hoping their devoted and loyal customers continue thinking like that, or better yet, don't really pay much attention to the price in the first place as long as they have enough room on their Club card for the additional purchase.
I love Cabela's and think their new store in Rogers, Arkansas is outstanding with a great bunch of good folks working there (Cabela's refers to them as outfitters). But I'm not all that naive when it comes to buying stuff. I have a hard time paying an extreme premium (35% is "extreme in my view) on any item I know I can purchase for less at a number of other places. If I don't have a choice, that's a different story. And Cabela's does have a number of products which can't be purchased just  anywhere--that's one of the things that keeps me coming back as a loyal customer. As loyal as I am, however, I won't knowingly pay $9.99 for something I can get down the street for $6.47--that would be silly!

NOTE: The top picture was taken at Cabela's, my favorite sporting goods store. The bottom picture was taken 30 minutes later at Walmart, my favorite general merchandise store.

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