Thursday, October 16, 2014


The day had been typical for south Florida: hot and sticky with enough intermittent rain to make you feel like you'd been wearing your clothes two days instead of one. As the flaming sun moved ever closer to the horizon, gradually turning the evening varying shades of orange and red, sitting outside became more bearable, perhaps even comfortable, when juxtaposed with the ambient temperature and humidity the area was infamous for.
Sitting under the faded blue and tattered canopy of the Great Southern Cafe, Mick Stoner (not his real name) recalled the days events while sipping the first of 4 pre-planned gin and tonics: his absolute limit on nights planned as light drinking nights. The day would not terminate until the wee hours and for good reason: when you hired Mick Stoner at $5,000 a day plus expenses, you received his full and undivided attention.

I've always wondered what it would be like to write a novel. I'll keep you posted....

1 comment:

  1. You can do it and I will love it!!! and buy a copy for everyone I know (if you give me a discount) lol...You know I don't buy anything full price!!! Can't wait...


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