I don't know for sure how many different individuals have fired a gun at our place over the last 16 years or so, but I'd venture a guess it would be well in excess of 100.
~Fellow Rollaboy and former "Nearly All-American" running back, Victor DaVolt, in the Fall of 2003 at our Pioneer Log Cabin |
~Cousin David watches from the log bench as cousin James shoots a Ruger .357 Single Six last Summer |
~Long time friend "Smurph" shooting a Ruger 10-22 |
We've had a lot of folks who for the very first time in their life shot a .22 rifle or pistol off our cabin deck or at our shooting range. And not just youngsters under the supervision of a qualified adult: our California friend, Dot Murphy, shot a gun for her first time ever at our place when she was about 76!
~Tony very thoughtfully instructs wife Diane on the finer points of shooting the venerable 1911 .45 ACP |
There's a number of memorable stories from our numerous shooting extravaganzas at "The Ranch". The picture above reminds me of one such occasion: Tony was hoping to acquire permission from Diane that would allow him to enter into the realm of handgun ownership. One stage of his "well thought out plan" was to have Diane shoot a pistol, thinking she'd then be hooked and more than likely beg him to buy one. After shooting a Dan Wesson 1911 .45, Diane was more committed than ever to not allow her husband the joy of owning his own pistol. She later acquiesced and permitted Tony to purchase the pistol you see in the picture. A few years later he sold the gun back to me and has since been in the market for a Smith and Wesson Model 66 .357--a gun I believe belongs in the collection of all certified gun enthusiast. Tony has only been looking around a couple years for his 66: he's a planner and likes to "Do things right". Personally, I hope he gets one before he's too old to shoot it, but I guess there's no need to rush into things.
~Max on a bolt action Ruger M77 .223 with a Swarovski 3x9 variable. The author special ordered the Ruger from Walmart and acquired the scope from Academy on a nearly unbelievable close-out deal! |
~Son-in-law Casey with his Dad Mike target shooting from the deck of our Pioneer Log Cabin |
~Mike came all the way from Bayonne New Jersey to shoot his son's new Marlin .30-.30 off the deck of our Pioneer Log Cabin, which by the way, was erected in 2003 by the now stars of HGTV's TIMBER KINGS |
~Rollaboys Kevin and Steve shooting at long range targets with .22's while Craig (in the middle) fires a Henry lever .22 Mag |
~Doubtful Klietus is going to run out of ammo anytime soon |
~Casey shoots the M77 while Max locates hits 120 yards out with a Simmons spotting scope from Cabelas |
~Casey utilizes the handcrafted coyote "Whacking Station" on the back of the cabin deck to steady his aim |
~Son Tyler checks the long range target during shooting practice |
~Friends and proud to be called RollaBoys, Craig and Kevin, hoping for a nearby naive crow landing. You always want to keep an eye out for crows--they're pesky! |
~Missouri State Trooper Tim T. (L) holds a Henry bolt action .44 mag while Kevin's gun of choice that day was a Uberti .45LC--a nearly exact replica of the original Winchester model 1866 they say won the west. |
~Author instructs daughter Britt on proper shooting form with an Ithica .22 he purchased new in 1979 from Walmart in Eldon, Missouri |
Our daughter Britt shot a gun for her first time out here as well as several members of the Murphy and Duhamel families and extended families.
~While a student at St. Louis University, Matt became a first time shooter with an old Marlin bolt action .22 the author purchased used at a drive-by pawn shop several years ago.
~RollaBoys Larry, Rick, Vic, Craig and Kevin target shooting with a Glock Model 23 .40 cal |
~Vic D from Brighton, Colorada shoots at clay pigeons with a Banelli Super Black Eagle .12 gauge |
~Craig throws clay pigeons for Vic and Kevin |
~Steve "The Beave" cuts loose on a clay pigeon |
~Author instructs Karen A. from St. Louis, a first time pistol shooter |
~Son Tyler with his Ruger 10-22; a Sport shooting veteran since the age of 5 (I would have started him earlier but he would have just been around 3 or 4). |
~Friend "Klietus" with an old Smith .38 Police Special, a gun his wife Julie received from a friend a few years ago when she was in her early 20's |
~Gun enthusiast Grant, Klietus, "Z-Dawg" and Coleman |
~Author instructs wife "Sweet Baby" on shooting an old Harrington and Richardson .22 revolver he's owned since 1983 |
~ Friend Chris from St. Louis firing a Ruger Single Six .357 |
~Our friend Pam (Chris's wife) fires a Ruger Mini-14 .223 for the very first time in her life (she loved it!) |
~Friend Craig "Doogie" hands off a Remington 1187 "Sam Walton Commemorative" 20 gauge to Chris after busting a few clays |
~Luuuuuke, "I'm not your Faaaathore" L. shoots an Ithica lever action .22 for one of his first times ever |
There's something satisfying in the sound of a rifle's report and the ping or thud that results from the hit on your inanimate target. I also like the smooth sound of a lever or blot action rifle as you cycle a new round: a sound I've enjoyed countless times since I was a youngster hunting squirrels and rabbits in the Missouri hardwoods behind our rural Rolla home.
~Mark S. instructs his son's Luke and Michael on proper use of their new Daisy BB guns
~Friend "Scottic" tosses clay pigeons with a hand thrower for his son "Maximus" who's on the end of a Mossberg Model 500 pump .12 gauge |
~Nephew and Special Olympics "NATIONAL RECORD HOLDER" in the 50 meter back stroke, Jordon, with his then new Daisy BB gun
If you're not a sport shooting enthusiast but are potentially interested in taking it up as a hobby, I'd recommend you start by going to a gun range and running at least a box of shells through a .22 rifle or pistol. Most ranges have demo or rental guns available for use. Or, if you have at least some target shooting experience and feel you're ready to purchase your first firearm, I'd suggest going to Cabela's, Sheels, Academy or any reputable sporting goods store or gun shop to find out more about the wide range of available makes and models. If you know you're ready to buy, I'd just stop off at your local Walmart store and see what they have in stock. Keep this in mind as you look around: in the author's opinion, you simply can't go wrong with a Henry lever action .22 or a Remington bolt action .22 as your first gun. In my personal opinion, you shouldn't start out with a semi-automatic rifle and definitely not a semi-auto pistol; I'l explain why in a future post.
~Steve M, Kevin C, and Craig F target whacking with either a .270 or a .30-.06 at a Rollaboy event a few years ago
Note: Dad taught us about gun safety and how to shoot when we were kids. We received our first BB guns shortly after Mom taught us to not go to the bathroom in our pants. That might be a slight stretch, but I know I had a BB gun when we still lived on the farm-before I started the 1st grade. Simply put, firearms are a part of my family's heritage.
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