Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Old Friends

~RollaBoys L-R: Randy Warren, Larry Hodge, Rick Miller, Author, Dave Pierson, Dirk Draper and Vic Davolt on the ground in his pajamas (Vic's sweet K9 Miss Daisy is 2nd from the left--the one with the pink color)
"You can make a new friend every day, but you can never go back and make an old one." I don't know how many of my old sayings are original, but that one is.

One day toward the end of my 29 year corporate gig I was sitting at my desk day dreaming about the good things in life. I thought about some of my lifelong friendships and decided I was going to make an effort to get some of my old friends back together for a reunion. Fast forward to present time and we'll be having ROLLABOY REUNION #12 this Fall. I'm not sure where we'll be but I hope most of the guys will be able to make it this year. It's been a different group each Fall for the most part as each of our lives are at somewhat different stages. Most of us are now grandpas but a couple of the guys have kids who are still in high school, and some college age. As a result, things like sporting events and school functions sometimes preclude attendance--as they should.

Life seems to be largely about decisions and priorities. Several years ago I made the decision to include old friends on my list of priorities and I'm glad I did. If you don't have any old friends it's not too late, but you better get to work: old friends aren't made over night!

Post Script: The date on the picture was off by about 4 years: not a photography guru in the bunch!

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