Wednesday, March 26, 2014

We Aren't Good At Everything Ladies

If you sit around a campfire long enough with a group of men, one of them will inevitably tell a tall tale. I'm not sure what's in our DNA that causes this to occur, but given the opportunity we just can't seem to abstain from embellishing a story now and then, at least to some degree. If fishing or hunting is the subject matter, the ubiquitous tale of "the one that got away" is going to pop up and probably has been popping up since the first male human beings figured out how to start a fire and then sit around it. It's anyone's guess as to who told the first tall tale, but it was likely some guy named Klietus, Zeb, or maybe Wiley. My guess is we don't set out to do this on purpose-it just kind of happens. And if beer or some other adult beverage is involved, you can bet the tales will get bigger and better as the night wears on.
Yes, we aren't good at everything ladies, but when it comes to telling a story a little bit better than it probably actually occurred in real time, you can count on us to give it our best shot: it's just part of the many services we menfolk provide, and typically at no additional charge!

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