Thursday, June 5, 2014

Now That's Funny

You'll rarely hear about a crow being released on bail, once they've been arrested: most judges consider them a flight da bing!

I think I made that up.  There's no way of knowing for sure, but I'm pretty sure I made that up. My bride rolls her eyes when I come up with this kind of stuff, but I think it's funny. My guess is there's an endless supply of this kind of material inside the average head. You just have to look at things from the right point of view. I've ran across a few folks in my life who seemingly don't have a sense of humor--none. Up front I usually judge them as someone I don't want to be around. But usually after giving it some thought, I typically end up just feeling bad for them. I can't imagine going through life without the ability to laugh--especially at myself. If you can laugh at yourself, you'll never have to worry about someone laughing at you--they'll just be laughing with you.

PS. If you don't think the crow line is funny, close your eyes and imagine George telling it to Jerry and Kramer. Jerry doesn't think it's funny, but Kramer laughs so hard he stumbles all over Jerry's apartment, eventually falling out the window to the sidewalk below, landing on Newman, who of course breaks his fall and then gets 6 months off work from his mail route by faking a neck that's funny!

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