Thursday, February 4, 2010

Read all about it!

The front page headline of today's local newspaper read: Wal-Mart Cuts 300 Jobs.
Even though I feel the folks at The Benton County Daily Record do a fine job overall, could someone please make them aware of the following:

1) Approximately 16 months ago, "Wal-Mart" dropped the hyphen and made the "M" small. They are now "Walmart", followed by the sphincter sign *.

2) A potential follow up headline would be, "Walmart retains 2,106,973 jobs".

3) It doesn't take an economist to figure out that for every dollar in lost wages, there's one less dollar in the economy.


  1. If you can't go to Sonic and eat tots or the Waffle Hut for coffee and fly wrestling - you won't continue the upward spiral of weight gain...because of the weight loss, peoples health will improve, causing our insurance premiums to go down, scooter sales will bottom out...less jobs...this could get ugly, Russ.

  2. KIm, I think you should apply for the cabinet position of Economy Czar! I'm going to start a petition. That's the best analogy on our economy since May 15, 1943 when Buck Wheat said, "They ain't no mo' tators Mr. Spanky"!


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