Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Rest of The Story

I heard yesterday that some gal named Crystal had decided at the last minute to NOT marry Hugh Hefner. I thought, "Now why would anyone not want to marry Hugh Hefner?". I'm a heterosexual 51 year old man, and if I wasn't already happily married, I might even marry Hugh Hefner.
As you're probably aware, Hugh Hefner is the guy who started Playboy magazine. The only time we ever hear anything about Hugh is on the anniversary of the founding of Play Boy magazine, and usually in 5 year increments (like 25, 40, 50 and so on). I have no idea when Play Boy was founded but on the anniversary they always show Hugh at the Play Boy mansion lying around the swimming pool with a bevy of Play Boy babes scantily clad in swim thongs, sipping mai-tai's and hanging all over Hugh like he's some sort of Greek God. It used to make Hugh look pretty cool, but the older I get the more it seems to just make him look like a dirty old man (not that there's anything wrong with being a dirty old man if you can pull it off).
The thing that caught my ear when I heard Crystal (25 years old) had decided in the eleventh hour to NOT marry Ol' Hugh (who's 86 years old) was, when the news anchor said, "there was no reason given".
Confident it had nothing to do with the fact that this girl (who's only 1 year older than my daughter) finally woke up and realized that although very wealthy, Hugh was nearly 3 1/2 times older than she is, I decided to do a little investigative reporting.
I tracked Crystal down on facebook and just flat out asked her why she decided not to marry Hugh. Just as I suspected, she confirmed that her decision to back out of the marriage to the founder of Play Boy, had NOTHING to do with the fact that her future husband was nearly 3 1/2 times older than her. She decided to back out of the marriage because she finally realized old Hugh was 15 years older.....than her grandpa.
And now you know the rest of the story.

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