Friday, June 3, 2011


When I read this morning that President Obama had declared June, "Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual &  Transgender Pride Month", I was not surprised (I bet you thought I was going to say I was surprised). I was not surprised because of the results of the "comparative greatness test" I give our Presidents now and then. It goes like this:

Compared to previous presidents who history shows overall as having done a good job, how's our current one doing? Specifically, I ask questions like, "What would George, Abe, Franklin, Harry or Dwight have done? Imagine the below scenario:

Time: 7:15 a.m.
Date: May 15, 1942
Place: Oval Office

President Roosevelt has been sitting at his desk since 3:15 that morning. He sits in his wheel chair going through stacks of paper and intellegence reports containing the latest information on the war in Euorope and the war in the Pacific. He hasn't slept well in over 5 years-ever since reports began coming in about a lunitic in Germany who was massing a vast army of killing drones and buying up large quantities of tattoo ink. In walks Vice President Harry Truman and chief of staff Groucho Marks (I don't know who FDR's chief of staff was in May, 1942, so I'll go with Groucho).

Truman: "Mr. President, Groucho has a declaration here he'd like you to sign. One of the California Reps came up with it and Groucho thinks it's a good idea. He needs your signature this morning so the ladies at Flag-Mart will have time to make up the necessary quantity of flags."
FDR: "Alright, but make it fast-we've got a couple of wars we're trying to fight here and a lot more people could die if I'm not able to stay focussed on things that really matter."
Truman: "OK Groucho, make it fast."
Groucho: Placing a document on the Presidents desk, next to his huge stack of critical reports says, "Just sign right here Mr. President and we'll make this thing happen!"
FDR: After reading the proclamation with a befuddled look on his face, the President ask; "What the hell is a 'transgender'? You know I'm well aware of what a lesbian is and I have a feeling what bisexual might mean, but what in the name of General George S. Patton is a transgender!"
Groucho: "Well Mr. President, that's a man who wants to be a woman or a woman who wants to be a man."
FDR: "Assuming your not $&#*ing with me here, and I hope you are, you want me to set aside the entire month of June to 'celebrate' a group of people who, regardless of how I might feel about it personally, must surely comprise a miniscule percentage of the overall population. And assuming I thought this was a great idea, and I don't, wouldn't it make more sense to dedicate the month of June to, oh, I don't know, maybe people who have never been convicted of a felony, or have never abused a child, or all the folks who are not addicted to illegal drugs, or who immigrated to our country legally. How about a week to honor parents who always know where their kids are and what they're up to, or men who have never been unfaithful to their wives, or wives who are always faithful to their husbands. I know, how about we honor bank tellers who call you by name, or store clerks who count back change, or companies that make products in America even though it would be cheaper to make them outside the US, or news anchors who just report the news instead of giving you their personal spin on everything, or newspapers who get most of the facts right, or maybe toddlers who stop pooping their pants once they realize it's not a good idea to run around with poop in their pants, or Boy Scouts who help little old ladies across the street and promise to do their duty, or lawyers who will only represent people who tell the truth or maybe dogs: you know, man's best friend. Hey, maybe we should have a month for circus there's a group of under appreciated folks who deserve a month. Crap, why not give Circus Midgets 2 months? Are you stinking kidding me stupid Jackass!".

I could go on but you probably get the point by now.

In 1914, President Woodrow Wilson signed a proclamation that would dedicate 1 day each year to honor mothers. In 2011, President Barack Obama signed a proclamation that dedicates an entire month to honor and celebrate a relatively small group of people because of their sexual orientation.
When President Wilson declared Mother's Day official in the Spring of 1914, we were only days away from the official beginning of World War I.
As President Obama declared June "Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Pride Month", we're fighting at least 2 wars, are in the middle of the greatest economic depression since the 30's, and are being governed by a group of boys and girls who have us, the hard working tax payers, in debt to the tune of over 14 trillion dollars-soon to be over 16 trillion.

If someone in FDR's administration would have ask him to sign a "GLBT Pride Month" declaration in the summer of 1942, I wonder what he would have done?

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