Saturday, April 26, 2014

One Of These Days

~An old barn off Arkansas State Highway 127, not too far from Metropolitan Clifty, Arkansas
 If you like old buildings and structures, it's hard to beat an old barn. Old barns are scattered all over the country side and if you can take your eyes off your smart phone long enough while driving around, you'll probably notice some old barns you didn't even know were there. "One of these days" I'm going to load up Sue and Old Max in the truck and take them on a road trip for the expressed purpose of looking for old barns and then taking pictures of them. When we get back home, I'm going to arrange the pictures in some random but well thought out order (I know that doesn't make sense-maybe I should have said I'll arrange them in an order that appears random) and fire them off to the folks at Apple so they can put them in a book. I'll probably call it my "Barn Book" or perhaps my "Book of Barns". I'll leave my Barn Book lying around the house in a random but well thought out locality so our visitors will be sure to see it. Then, when someone runs across my Barn Book for the first time, they'll say something like, "Hey, this is really cool: where'd you get it?". I'll likely respond by telling them the story about how Sue, Max, and I took a cross country road trip (or at least drove around Benton County, Arkansas) searching for cool old barns to take pictures of. If they ask why I did this, I'll tell them because a few years ago I decided that when I catch myself saying I'm going to do something "one of these days", I just go do it.

Old cain't hardly go no better!

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