Friday, April 25, 2014

Big Fireplaces....and Santa Claus

~The fireplace at Old Faithful Inn (finished in 1904)
I like big fireplaces: fireplaces big enough to hold wood 3 feet long. I like a fireplace that's large enough to hold wood big enough to be referred to as a "log". A big stone fireplace that brings true meaning to the old phrase, "put another log one the fire"!

The last time Sue and I were in Yellow Stone National Park, we visited Old Faithful Inn. I asked her to stand next to the fireplace in the main hall to add perspective (perspective on the fireplace-not on Sue). This is the kind of fireplace I like.

If we ever build another house, I plan to design the fireplace first and then design the home around the fireplace, and I mean that literally. In my experience it's difficult to have a better time inside a house, cabin, or lodge than the time spent in front of a roaring fireplace. I like hearing the crackling of the fire and watching the dancing flames as they work to increase the size of the coal bed, while feeling it's warmth.

Now, lest you get the wrong idea, I'm not a pyromaniac. I don't get a thrill out of setting something on fire and watching it burn for kicks. I just like fireplaces and camp fires. Now that it's spring, however, I suppose I should get off the subject of fireplaces. Soon, it will be more appropriate in these neck of the woods to write about sitting around a huge block of ice. A block of ice big enough for at least 3 people to sit on and big enough to cool a decent sized house and.....well, you get the picture.

Post Script: I want a fireplace large enough so when our grandkids ask, "Papa, how does Santa Clause fit down that little hole?", I don't have to lie to them by responding,
"Well Olivia and Morris, Santa Claus is MAAAAAGIC"!

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