Monday, January 4, 2010

As long as we keep buying it, they'll keep selling it.

It's January and if you've been paying attention the last several years, you know January brings us one thing for adds.
If you watch even a little television, pull up an occasional free web site or pick up a January issue of just about any magazine available, you'll be reminded that beyond a shadow of a doubt, you've been eating way too much of all the wrong stuff for the past few weeks and everybody knows about it. Thankfully, the consumer products industry is once again coming to our rescue.
Each year immediately following the close of "The Holidays" (the holidays commonly refer to Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years and Hanukkah-I think) we know we're going to be inundated by the media with the latest and greatest dieting plans and gimmicks. Of course, we're all waiting anxiously in hopes of discovering a completely pain free technique that will result in our taking of the extra weight we recently porked on. Remember, it all began with that first huge piece of pumpkin pie at Mom's house back in November and ended with 19 beers, a block of cheese and 4 pounds of summer sausage on New Years Eve.
As Americans living in the land of plenty, most of us apparently don't have the ability or knowledge to understand why we're overweight and haven't the foggiest idea of how to begin the process of losing the extra weight we decided we no longer want. Come on Kirstie Alley, Valarie Bertinelli and Danny Marino...tell me what to do and quick, before I discover I'm eligible for my very own Jenny Craig commercial!
And while I'm thinking about it, isn't it somewhat insulting that Jenny has actually ran weight loss specials in the past where she advertises she'll let us lose the first 10 pounds free of charge? Gosh, thanks Ms. Craig. Although it's super generous of you, it seems to me I ought to be able to lose all the weight I want and not have to pay anyone a stinking dime. It's my weight, I'll lose all of it if I choose and I won't pay you one red cent! But that's just me and probably further proof...I'm simply ridiculous.

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